Lincolnshire Chess Association

U1650 Counties Competition (2024-25)

MCCU U1650 Counties Championship
Position Teams Pl W D L Pts
1 Lincolnshire 2 1 1 0 3
2 Staffordshire 3 0 2 1 2
3 Warwickshire 2 1 0 1 2
4 Worcestershire 1 0 1 0 1

MCCU U1650 Counties Championship Match Results
Date Match Result
30 Nov Warwickshire v Lincolnshire 5½-6½
18 Jan Lincolnshire v Staffordshire 6-6
15 Feb Worcestershire v Lincolnshire  

Warwickshire v Lincolnshire

Report from William Orr

Lincolnshire's first match in the U1650 series was against Warwickshire, in the new 12 board format. Teams are now entered onto the LMS a day or two before the match giving eveyone a chance to assess the opposition, and in this case it was clear that the sides were closely match and that a tight contest could be expected. And that's how it turned out, with wins for Peter Sherlock, Tom Bertins, Allan Nelder and Bill Egan the match was still level until with two boards remaining. On board 3 Ben Ashcroft was under pressure in a major piece ending where any mistake could lead to defeat, but he managed to find a counter attack that led to a draw by agreement. That left the match hanging on the result on board 5 where Freddie Neal used all his remaining time to force home his queen side pawns and secure the win we needed. Final score Lincolnshire 6½ - 5½ Warwickshire.

Date: 30/11/24
Venue: St Hildas, East Goscote
Warwickshire (Home team) Lincolnshire (Away team)
Board Colour Name Club Grade Score Name Club Grade
1 W Jon Asbury Shirley & Wythall 1537 0-1 Alan Nelder Grantham 1645
2 B Nigel Morris Leamington 1536 0-1 William Egan Lincolnshire 1598
3 W Peter Stiff Stratford 1535 ½-½ Ben Ashcroft Lincoln 1590
4 B David Cotterell Shirley & Wythall 1546 1-0 Craig Robinson Spalding 1573
5 W Simon Weaver Coventry Chess 1527 0-1 Freddie Neal Spalding 1539
6 B Rohith Bangalore Kumar Solihull 1380 0-1 Tom Bertins Lincoln 1572
7 W Mike Warden Solihull 1522 0-1 Peter Sherlock Lincoln 1552
8 B Gregory Kornilovich Coventry Chess Academy 1507 1-0 Jack Moseley-Hutchinson Spalding 1536
9 W Spike Bloxham Solihull 1476 ½-½ John Housego Lincoln 1461
10 B Deema Khunda Leamington 1472 ½-½ Paul Fischer Lincoln 1471
11 W Adrian Grimes Stratford 1392 1-0 Jason Golding Lincoln 1377
12 B Simon Payne Stratford 1254 1-0 Luke McKenna Spalding 1184


Bill Egan vs Nigel Morris

Tom Bertins vs Rohith Bangalore Kumar

Lincolnshire v Staffordshire

Date: 18/1/25
Lincolnshire (Home team) Staffordshire (Away team)
Board Colour Name Club Grade Score Name Club Grade
1 B Alan Nelder Grantham 1648 ½-½ Jon Blackburn Cheddleton & Leak 1681
2 W Allan Marshall Spalding 1603 ½-½ Alberto Gissi Newcastle-under-Lyme 1634
3 B Freddie Neal Spalding 1603 1-0 Stephen Emmerton Fenton 1583
4 W Ben Ashcroft Lincoln 1587 1-0 Bill Kimberley Lichfield 1556
5 B Craig Robinson Spalding 1567 ½-½ Leslie Fancourt Cheddleton & Leek 1625
6 W Tom Bertins Lincoln 1603 ½-½ Sandra Blackburn Cheddleton & Leek 1571
7 B Peter Sherlock Lincoln 1561 ½-½ Anthony Meakin Rugeley 1522
8 W Andrew Watson Skegness 1525 0-1 Daniel Jones Brewood 1538
9 B John Housego Lincoln 1477 ½-½ Andrew Phillips Brewood 1492
10 W Paul Fischer Lincoln 1481 ½-½ David Barker Stafford 1470
11 B John Pocock Grantham 1424 0-1 Malcolm Fletcher Stafford 1492
12 W Christopher Cumbers Grantham 1420 ½-½ Stephen Smithson Lichfield 1340