Lincolnshire Chess Association

News 2024-25

Previous Seasons

U1650 County Match: Lincolnshire v Staffordshire (7th Feb)

The U1650 team played Staffordshire on Sat 18th Jan. It was a closely fought match which ended in a 6-6 draw. Full results

U1850 County Match: Lincolnshire v Derbyshire (7th Feb)

There are only two teams in the U1850 section this season. The match was played on Sat 1st Feb. Lincolnshire beat Derbyshire 12½-3½. Full results

Minor County Match: Staffordshire v Lincolnshire (7th Feb)

The minor team had a convincing win against Staffordshire on Sat 18th Jan by a score of 12½-1½. Full results

U1650 County Match: Warwickshire v Lincolnshire (9th Jan)

The first match for the U1650 team was played against Warwickshire on Sat 30th Nov. It was a close match with Lincolnshire winning 6½-5½. Full results

County Championship (14th Oct)

The 2024 County Champion was Alexandr Klimchik (Lincoln) with a perfect score of 5/5. The U1850 section was won by Ian McDonald (Lincoln) with a score of 4½/5. Full results

Lincolnshire Chess Association AGM (12th Aug)

The Lincolnshire Chess Association AGM will take place on Saturday 21st September at The Lincoln Labour Club. The AGM will start at 11:30 with the fixtures meeting straight after.

Lincoln Rapidplay (12th Aug)

The Lincoln Rapidplay is a 6 round tournament taking place on Sunday 22nd September at Southside in Lincoln. For full details of the event including an online entry form go to the website.

County Championships Finals Results (12th Aug)

The minor counties final was played between Sussex and Lincolnshire on Saturday 6th July. It was a close match from start to finish. The score was 8-8 but Sussex won on board count. This is calculated by adding the board numbers of the wins for each team and the lowest number wins. The board count was 27-41 in favour of Sussex. Full Results