Lincolnshire Chess Association

News 2021-22

Previous Seasons

Lincolnshire Chess Association AGM (25th Jul)

The AGM will be held on Saturday 10th September at the Lindum Construction Business Park in the training room. The fixture meeting will start at 11:30am, followed by the AGM at 1pm.

The minutes and accounts from the previous meeting are available to download.

Cleethorpes Rapidplay Results (18th Jul)

The 1st Cleethorpes Rapidplay was a success with 86 players taking part. GM Matthew Turner won the Open section with a score of 5/6. There were also some notable successes for Lincolnshire players with Samuel Milson (Louth) finishing equal 2nd in the Open section with 4½/6 and Alex Royle (Louth) coming equal 1st in the Major section with 5½/6. Full Report

Cleethorpes Rapidplay (25th Apr)

A 6 round rapidplay congress is being organised at Cleethorpes Leisure Centre on Sunday 3rd July 2022. The rate of play is 20 minutes plus 10 second increment per move. You can enter online or print out the pdf entry form. Full details

County Chess update (25th Apr)

Unfortunately a decision has been made not to enter the Lincolnshire team in the Open competition of this year's County Championship. The reasons are: not enough players being gold members, some players not returning to OTB chess at present and not enough players available for either 23rd Apr or 14th May.

Hopefully things will improve and we will be able to go again with the county team next season.

County Chess update (6th Feb)

Lincolnshire have entered the Open section of the County Championships this season. The secheduled round dates are:

Preliminary Round: Sat 23rd April
Quarter Final : Sat 14th May
Semi Final : Sat 11th June
Final : Sat 2nd July

The qualifying matches for almost all the unions are running behind schedule with several matches to complete before the end of March. Lincolnshire will either play in the prliminary round or go straight to the quarter final stage depending on entries in the Open section.

Fixtures meeting cancellation (3rd Dec)

The fixtures meeting scheduled for Saturday 4th December has been postponed as there are less league entries received than expected. John Mainwaring, the league secretary is working on a viable structure for competitive chess in the New Year.

Change of venue for Louth Chess Club (17th Oct)

The new venue for Louth Chess Club is The White Horse Inn, Kenwick Road, Louth, LN11 8EG. The club meets on Tuesday evenings from 7pm to 10pm. The private room is large, modern and clean. Both adults and juniors, experienced and learners are welcome.

County Chess (28th Sep)

Lincolnshire missed the entry deadline for entering an Open team in to this seasons MCCU county championship competition. Instead Lincolnshire have entered a team in the Open competition. There will either be a preliminary match in April or a Quarter Final in May depending on entries.

Fixtures meeting update (28th Sep)

The fixtures meeting has been confirmed for Saturday 4th December at the Training Centre of Lindum Construction Business Park, Station Road, North Hykeham, Lincoln LN6 3QX. The intention is for the league fixtures to start in the New Year.

Fixtures meeting postponement (10th Sep)

It has been agreed to postpone the fixtures meeting until a later date. The AGM will continue as planned at 1pm on Saturday 11th September.

Some Lincolnshire clubs are struggling to reopen or have less members than before the pandemic. It seems appropriate to give clubs more time to rebuild.

Lincolnshire Chess Association AGM (8th Aug)

The Lincolnshire Chess Association AGM will be held on Saturday 11th September at the Training Centre of Lindum Construction Business Park, Station Road, North Hykeham, Lincoln LN6 3QX (subject to prevailing Government advice). The fixture meeting will start at 11:30am, followed by the AGM at 1pm.

If anyone has any agenda items or proposals, please let the general secretary know in good time.

CCWU20 Final Results (8th Aug)

Lincolnshire topped group 2 and progressed to the final to play Derbyshire where they lost 8-6. Full Results

Lincs Clubs Reopening (4th Aug)

Clubs are now starting to reopen post-lockdown. Dates have been confirmed for the following clubs:

Chess Notes

Back issues of Chess Notes (in pdf format) can be downloaded here.